Airbnb Pricing Optimization

Optimizing Airbnb pricing using machine learning and data science techniques to maximize revenue for hosts.
Data Science
Machine Learning
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Portfolio Optimization

Daniel Fat


October 21, 2020

Airbnb claims to be part of the “sharing economy” and disrupting the hotel industry. However, data shows that the majority of Airbnb listings in most cities are entire homes, many of which are rented all year round - disrupting housing and communities.

Aims and Objectives

  • EDA
    • Locations
    • Renters
    • Hosts
  • Pricing Optimisation
    • Property Price
    • Investment Portfolio


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns'dark_background')'seaborn')

Extract Data

1 Year properties listing from San Francisco on Airbnb

urls = [
dfs = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(x) for x in urls],ignore_index=True)
dfs['availability'] = dfs['availability_365'] / 365
# dfs['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dfs['last_scraped'])
# dfs['dayofweek'] = dfs['date'].dt.dayofweek
# dfs['quarter'] = dfs['date'].dt.quarter
# dfs['month'] = dfs['date'].dt.month
# dfs['year'] = dfs['date'].dt.year
# dfs['dayofyear'] = dfs['date'].dt.dayofyear
# dfs['dayofmonth'] = dfs['date']
# dfs['weekofyear'] = dfs['date'].dt.weekofyear

# time_columns = ['dayofweek','quarter','month','year','dayofyear','dayofmonth','weekofyear']

# clean price
for x in ['price','weekly_price','monthly_price','security_deposit','cleaning_fee']:
  dfs[x] = dfs[x].str.replace('$','').str.replace(',','').astype(float).fillna(0)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (61,62) have mixed types.Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  if self.run_code(code, result):
id listing_url scrape_id last_scraped name summary space description experiences_offered neighborhood_overview notes transit access interaction house_rules thumbnail_url medium_url picture_url xl_picture_url host_id host_url host_name host_since host_location host_about host_response_time host_response_rate host_acceptance_rate host_is_superhost host_thumbnail_url host_picture_url host_neighbourhood host_listings_count host_total_listings_count host_verifications host_has_profile_pic host_identity_verified street neighbourhood neighbourhood_cleansed ... minimum_nights maximum_nights minimum_minimum_nights maximum_minimum_nights minimum_maximum_nights maximum_maximum_nights minimum_nights_avg_ntm maximum_nights_avg_ntm calendar_updated has_availability availability_30 availability_60 availability_90 availability_365 calendar_last_scraped number_of_reviews number_of_reviews_ltm first_review last_review review_scores_rating review_scores_accuracy review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_checkin review_scores_communication review_scores_location review_scores_value requires_license license jurisdiction_names instant_bookable is_business_travel_ready cancellation_policy require_guest_profile_picture require_guest_phone_verification calculated_host_listings_count calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms reviews_per_month availability
0 958 20200608144408 2020-06-08 Bright, Modern Garden Unit - 1BR/1BTH New update: the house next door is under const... Newly remodeled, modern, and bright garden uni... New update: the house next door is under const... none *Quiet cul de sac in friendly neighborhood *St... Due to the fact that we have children and a do... *Public Transportation is 1/2 block away. *Ce... *Full access to patio and backyard (shared wit... A family of 4 lives upstairs with their dog. N... * No Pets - even visiting guests for a short t... NaN NaN NaN 1169 Holly 2008-07-31 San Francisco, California, United States We are a family with 2 boys born in 2009 and 2... within an hour 100% 99% t Duboce Triangle 1.0 1.0 ['email', 'phone', 'facebook', 'reviews', 'kba'] t t San Francisco, CA, United States Duboce Triangle Western Addition ... 1 1125 1 1 1125 1125 1.0 1125.0 5 weeks ago t 8 24 43 143 2020-06-08 241 47 2009-07-23 2020-03-28 97.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 t STR-0001256 {"SAN FRANCISCO"} f f moderate f f 1 1 0 0 1.82 0.391781

1 rows × 107 columns

Latest Month

df = dfs[dfs.last_scraped == '2020-06-08'].copy()
# save a list of columns before filtering
all_columns = df.columns.tolist()

selected_columns = ['id','last_scraped','listing_url','host_id','property_type','zipcode','accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'beds', 'price', 'weekly_price','monthly_price', 'security_deposit', 'cleaning_fee','number_of_reviews','review_scores_rating','cancellation_policy','neighbourhood','availability_365','latitude','longitude']
# filter columns
df = df[selected_columns]

id last_scraped listing_url host_id property_type zipcode accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds price weekly_price monthly_price security_deposit cleaning_fee number_of_reviews review_scores_rating cancellation_policy neighbourhood availability_365 latitude longitude
0 958 2020-06-08 1169 Apartment 94117 3 1.0 1.0 2.0 170.0 1120.0 4200.0 100.0 100.0 241 97.0 moderate Duboce Triangle 143 37.76931 -122.43386

Exploratory Data Analysis

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(25,10))

sns.scatterplot(data=df,x='latitude',y='longitude',hue='property_type',palette=sns.color_palette("Paired", df.property_type.nunique()),ax=ax.ravel()[0])

sns.scatterplot(data=df,x='latitude',y='longitude',hue='neighbourhood',palette=sns.color_palette("Paired", df.neighbourhood.nunique()),ax=ax.ravel()[1])


Diversity and Dominance

def shannon(series):
  series: pd.Series
  N = series.sum()
  s = np.array([ (n/N) * np.log(n/N) for n in series if n != 0])
  s = s[~np.isnan(s)]
  return np.abs(s.sum())

def simpson(series):
  series: pd.Series
  N = series.sum()
  return np.array([ ( n * (n-1) ) / ( N * (N-1) ) for n in series if n != 0]).sum()

Diversity and Dominance of property types by neighbourhood

ngh = pd.crosstab(df.property_type,df.neighbourhood)
ngh_diversity = ngh.apply(shannon)
ngh_dominance = ngh.apply(simpson)
ngh_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'diversity': ngh_diversity,
    'dominance': ngh_dominance,
    'total_number_of_properties': ngh.sum(),
    'unique_property_types': df.groupby('neighbourhood').property_type.nunique()

plt.scatter(ngh_diversity,ngh_dominance,s=ngh.sum(),label='Property Type',cmap='Oranges')

for i,x in enumerate(ngh.columns):

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in long_scalars

ngh_df[ngh_df.neighbourhood.isin(['Downtown','Mission District','Mission Bay'])]
neighbourhood diversity dominance total_number_of_properties unique_property_types
12 Downtown 1.961264 0.170480 382 12
27 Mission Bay 0.208982 0.914010 46 3
28 Mission District 1.344584 0.354231 705 11

Diversity and Dominance of property types by for each neighbourhood

  • Downtown - the most diverse, balanced property distribution in terms of price
  • Mission District - quite diverse, large number of properties
  • Mission Bay - low number of properties, and focused on few types

Property Distributions

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(35,10))

property_distribution = df.pivot_table(index='neighbourhood',columns='property_type',values='id',aggfunc='count',fill_value=0).T
property_distribution = property_distribution.apply(lambda x: x / x.sum(),axis=1)

property_price = df.pivot_table(index='neighbourhood',columns='property_type',values='price',aggfunc='mean',fill_value=0)
property_price = property_price.apply(lambda x: x / x.sum(),axis=1)

# ax.ravel()[0].set_xticklabels([''])
ax.ravel()[0].set_title('Property Distribution by neighbourhood')
ax.ravel()[1].set_title('Price Distribution by property_type and neighbourhood')

Outliers: - Bayview: - Castle - Hut - Fisherman’s Wharf: - Boat - Nob Hill: - In-law - Outer Susnet - Camper

Average Yearly Availability by Property Type

(df.groupby('property_type').availability_365.mean() / 365),figsize=(30,7))

Average Yearly Availability by Neighbourhood

(df.groupby('neighbourhood').availability_365.mean() / 365),figsize=(30,7))

Number of hosts by range of properties

hosts = df.groupby('host_id')['id'].nunique().to_frame().reset_index().rename(columns={'id':'number_of_properties'})
bins = [0,1,3,5,10,20,30,50,100,150,200,230]
f_bins = list()
for x in range(1,len(bins)-1):
  if x == 1:

  if x == len(bins)-2:
    f_bins.append(str(bins[-2]) + '+')

hosts['group'] = pd.cut(hosts.number_of_properties,bins=bins,labels=f_bins)

fig,ax =plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,6))[:3],ax=ax.ravel()[0])[3:],ax=ax.ravel()[1])
ax.ravel()[0].set_title('Number of owners by properties cut groups')

Let’s get into pricing

Property Pricing

Using the mean values filtered by basic property specs

filtering_columns = ['neighbourhood','property_type','bathrooms',   'bedrooms', 'beds']
mean_prices_group = df.groupby(filtering_columns)['price'].mean().reset_index()

Now let’s pick a random property and see the differences

smpl = df.sample(1).copy()
print('Sample specs')
print(smpl[filtering_columns + ['price']].T)
print('\nMean Price by same property specs')
Sample specs
neighbourhood  Lower Haight
property_type     Apartment
bathrooms                 2
bedrooms                  2
beds                      2
price                   216

Mean Price by same property specs
neighbourhood  Lower Haight
property_type     Apartment
bathrooms                 2
bedrooms                  2
beds                      2
price                 357.5


# columns for training
x_cols = ['property_type', 'accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms',
       'beds', 'weekly_price', 'monthly_price', 'security_deposit',
       'cleaning_fee', 'number_of_reviews', 'review_scores_rating',
       'cancellation_policy', 'neighbourhood', 'availability_365'] 
# copy the main dataframe
xdf = df[x_cols + ['price']].copy()
# fill missing values
xdf.loc[(xdf.neighbourhood.isnull()) & (xdf.property_type == 'Boat'),'neighbourhood'] = 'Here is a boat'
xdf = xdf.fillna(0)

#label encoding
label_encoding = dict()
to_label = ['property_type','cancellation_policy','neighbourhood']
for x in to_label:
  l = xdf[x].unique()
  label_encoding[x] = dict(zip( l, list(range(len(l))) ))
  xdf[x] = xdf[x].map(label_encoding[x].get)
property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds weekly_price monthly_price security_deposit cleaning_fee number_of_reviews review_scores_rating cancellation_policy neighbourhood availability_365 price
0 0 3 1.0 1.0 2.0 1120.0 4200.0 100.0 100.0 241 97.0 0 0 143 170.0
1 0 5 1.0 2.0 3.0 1600.0 5500.0 0.0 100.0 111 98.0 1 1 0 235.0
2 0 2 4.0 1.0 1.0 485.0 1685.0 200.0 50.0 19 84.0 1 2 365 65.0
import xgboost as xgb
xgr = xgb.XGBRegressor(objective='reg:gamma').fit(xdf[x_cols],xdf['price'])

smpl = xdf.sample(1).copy()
print('Sample specs')
print(smpl[x_cols + ['price']].T)
print(f'\nXGBoost Gamma Regressor Prediced Price {xgr.predict(smpl[x_cols])[0]}')
Sample specs
property_type           0.0
accommodates            2.0
bathrooms               1.0
bedrooms                1.0
beds                    1.0
weekly_price            0.0
monthly_price           0.0
security_deposit      200.0
cleaning_fee          100.0
number_of_reviews       0.0
review_scores_rating    0.0
cancellation_policy     2.0
neighbourhood          43.0
availability_365       83.0
price                  86.0

XGBoost Gamma Regressor Prediced Price 150.90704345703125
def predict_price(df,xgr):
  c_df = df.copy()
  for j in to_label:
    c_df[j] = c_df[j].map(label_encoding[j].get)
  return xgr.predict(c_df)

Portfolio Simulations

Estimate number of nights per year for each listing

Source: tule2236/Airbnb-Dynamic-Pricing-Optimization

As found in the Overview of the Airbnb Community in San Francisco published by Airbnb, the average length of stay per guest is 4.2 nights. We assumed each listing has 4.2 days as an average lengths of stay per booking. Since we were not able to find a clear number for the ratio of guests making a booking who leave a review for Airbnb, we assumed the review rate to be equal to 0.5, which will be used as a constant throughout the estimation. To prevent artificially high results, we also assumed the maximum occupancy rate cannot exceed 0.95, meaning even the busiest of listings will have several nights a month in which they go unrented. With these assumptions and constants, we generated the formulation of estimated occupancy rate shown below:

def estimate_nights_per_year(review_per_month,yearly_availability):
  av_nights = 4.2
  review_rate = 0.5
  max_occupancy_rate = 0.95
  bookings_per_month = review_per_month / review_rate
  est_occupancy = min( (( bookings_per_month * av_nights ) / 30),max_occupancy_rate)
  return est_occupancy * yearly_availability
df['estimated_nights_per_year'] = df.apply(lambda x :  estimate_nights_per_year(x.number_of_reviews,x.availability_365),axis=1)

Average estimated nights per year by neighbourhood and property type


Monte Carlo

Since we don’t have property prices, we assume that after 20 years of activity, the property paid the price for itself.

1 Month data

main_columns = ['neighbourhood','property_type', 'accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'beds']
copy_df = df.copy()
# estimate number of nights per year
copy_df['estimated_nights_per_year'] = copy_df.apply(lambda x :  estimate_nights_per_year(x.number_of_reviews,x.availability_365),axis=1)
# get optimized prices
copy_df['optimized_price'] = predict_price(copy_df[x_cols],xgr)

# groupb by main columns
mdf = copy_df.groupby(main_columns).agg({
    'availability_365': 'mean',
    'price': ['mean','std'],
    'optimized_price': ['mean','std']

# join multi-indexes together
mdf.columns = [ '_'.join(x) if x[1] != '' else x[0] for x in mdf.columns ]

# calculate return per year
mdf['estimated_return_per_year'] = mdf['price_mean'] * mdf['estimated_nights_per_year_mean']

# calculate optimized return  per year
mdf['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] = mdf['optimized_price_mean'] * mdf['estimated_nights_per_year_mean']

# generate property price
mdf['estimated_property_price'] = mdf['price_mean'] * (365 * 20)

# format property price
mdf['estimated_property_price_M'] = (mdf['estimated_property_price'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

neighbourhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds availability_365_mean price_mean price_std number_of_reviews_mean estimated_nights_per_year_mean optimized_price_mean optimized_price_std estimated_return_per_year estimated_optimized_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_property_price_M
2 Alamo Square Apartment 1 3.0 1.0 1.0 364.25 48.0 6.000000 3.25 86.6875 57.929253 4.668282 4161.00 5021.742087 350400.0 $ 0.3504
3 Alamo Square Apartment 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 317.50 152.0 32.526912 26.50 128.2500 154.892731 17.912474 19494.00 19864.992714 1109600.0 $ 1.1096
6 Alamo Square Apartment 4 1.0 1.0 2.0 159.50 150.0 98.994949 9.50 151.5250 166.732971 5.983315 22728.75 25264.213460 1095000.0 $ 1.0950


# 10M $ to invest
investment = 1e7

mc_portfolios = list()
for p in range(pmax):

    #while we have money, pick up random properties for portfolio
    local_df = mdf.copy()

    current_money = investment

    picked_properties = list()

    stop_flag = False

    while stop_flag != True:
      # pick up random property
      ch = local_df.sample(1).copy()
      # if we have money to buy it and we haven't already bought it then let's do it
      if ch.estimated_property_price.values[0] < current_money and ch.index.values[0] not in picked_properties:
        # add property index to current portfolio list of properties
        # pay the property price
        current_money -= ch.estimated_property_price.values[0]
        # slice the current dataframe to get just affordable properties
        local_df = local_df[local_df.estimated_property_price < current_money]
      # if we dont't have enough money to buy the event the cheapest property or we run out of properties then it's the time to stop
      if current_money < local_df.estimated_property_price.min() or len(local_df) < 1:
        stop_flag = True

    tmp_portfolio = mdf[mdf.index.isin(picked_properties)].copy()
    tmp_portfolio['mdf_id'] = picked_properties
    tmp_portfolio['p'] = p

mc_portfolios = pd.concat(mc_portfolios).reset_index(drop=True)
neighbourhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds availability_365_mean price_mean price_std number_of_reviews_mean estimated_nights_per_year_mean optimized_price_mean optimized_price_std estimated_return_per_year estimated_optimized_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_property_price_M mdf_id p
0 Bernal Heights Condominium 4 1.5 2.0 2.0 17.5 244.50 106.773124 50.50 16.625 245.411896 0.479673 4064.8125 4079.972767 1784850.0 $ 1.7849 2726 0
1 Chinatown Apartment 1 1.5 1.0 1.0 349.5 65.25 13.817260 2.75 240.510 92.636261 2.107101 15693.2775 22279.947130 476325.0 $ 0.4763 187 0
portfolio_results = mc_portfolios.groupby('p').agg({
    'estimated_return_per_year': 'sum',
    'estimated_property_price': 'sum',
    'estimated_optimized_return_per_year': 'sum',
    'mdf_id': 'count',

portfolio_results['estimated_property_price_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')
portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')
portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

portfolio_results['time_to_return'] = portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] /  portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'] 
portfolio_results['time_to_return_optimized'] = portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] /  portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] 

portfolio_results['profit'] = (portfolio_results['time_to_return'] * portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year']) - (portfolio_results['time_to_return'] * portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'])
portfolio_results['profit_of_investment'] = portfolio_results['profit'] / portfolio_results['estimated_property_price']
portfolio_results['profit_M'] = (portfolio_results['profit'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

Portfolios with minimal return time

p estimated_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_optimized_return_per_year mdf_id estimated_property_price_M estimated_return_per_year_M estimated_optimized_return_per_year_M time_to_return time_to_return_optimized profit profit_of_investment profit_M
39 39 222350.258407 9.966736e+06 339534.248750 13 $ 9.9667 $ 0.2224 $ 0.3395 44.824486 29.354140 5.252712e+06 0.527024 $ 5.2527
66 66 219921.792321 9.931917e+06 309218.686489 7 $ 9.9319 $ 0.2199 $ 0.3092 45.161129 32.119393 4.032749e+06 0.406039 $ 4.0327
35 35 189177.550040 9.990919e+06 296431.938938 8 $ 9.9909 $ 0.1892 $ 0.2964 52.812393 33.703922 5.664361e+06 0.566951 $ 5.6644

Time is money

Profit vs Time to return


for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  plt.annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return, x.profit_of_investment),ha='center',va='center')

plt.xlabel('Time to return')
plt.ylabel('Profit from investment %')

Portfolios by time and profit

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(30,10))



for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  ax[0].annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')
  ax[1].annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return_optimized, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')

ax[0].set_xlabel('Time to return')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[0].set_title('Original Prices')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Time to return')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[1].set_title('Optimized Prices')

Portfolios by yearly return and total investment

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(30,10))



for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  ax[0].annotate(x.p,(x.estimated_return_per_year, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')
  ax[1].annotate(x.p,(x.estimated_optimized_return_per_year, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')

ax[0].set_xlabel('Return per Year')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[0].set_title('Original Prices')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Return per Year')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[1].set_title('Optimized Prices')

1 year data

grp = dfs.groupby('id').agg({
    'accommodates': 'mean',
    'bedrooms': 'mean',
    'review_scores_rating': 'mean', 
    'monthly_price': 'mean', 
    'security_deposit': 'mean', 
    'cleaning_fee': 'mean', 
    'cancellation_policy': 'first', 
    'weekly_price': 'mean'
id host_id neighbourhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds price number_of_reviews availability_365 review_scores_rating monthly_price security_deposit cleaning_fee cancellation_policy weekly_price
0 958 1169 Duboce Triangle Apartment 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 170.0 224.769231 90.153846 97.000 4200.0 100.0 100.0 moderate 1120.0
1 3850 4921 Inner Sunset House 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 99.0 159.250000 66.250000 94.375 0.0 0.0 10.0 strict_14_with_grace_period 0.0
2 5858 8904 Bernal Heights Apartment 5.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 235.0 111.000000 0.076923 98.000 5500.0 0.0 100.0 strict_14_with_grace_period 1600.0

location group

main_columns = ['neighbourhood','property_type', 'accommodates', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'beds']
copy_df = grp.copy()
copy_df['estimated_nights_per_year'] = copy_df.apply(lambda x :  estimate_nights_per_year(x.number_of_reviews,x.availability_365),axis=1)
copy_df['optimized_price'] = predict_price(copy_df[x_cols],xgr)

mdf = copy_df.groupby(main_columns).agg({
    'availability_365': 'mean',
    'price': ['mean','std'],
    'optimized_price': ['mean','std']

mdf.columns = [ '_'.join(x) if x[1] != '' else x[0] for x in mdf.columns ]

returns = list()
optimized_returns = list()

for x in mdf.itertuples():
  # generate random number of nights using the mean and std of estimated nights per year
  random_nights = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=x.estimated_nights_per_year_mean,scale=x.estimated_nights_per_year_std))
  # generate random prices with the size of the random nights
  random_prices = np.random.normal(loc=x.price_mean,scale=x.price_std,size=int(random_nights))
  # add the yearly return to our list

  # for the same number of random nights, calculate the optimized yearly return
  random_optim_prices = np.random.normal(loc=x.optimized_price_mean,scale=x.optimized_price_std,size=int(random_nights))

mdf['estimated_return_per_year'] = returns

mdf['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] = optimized_returns

mdf['estimated_property_price'] = mdf['price_mean'] * (365 * 20)

mdf['estimated_property_price_M'] = (mdf['estimated_property_price'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

neighbourhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds availability_365_mean price_mean price_std number_of_reviews_mean estimated_nights_per_year_mean estimated_nights_per_year_std optimized_price_mean optimized_price_std estimated_return_per_year estimated_optimized_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_property_price_M
2 Alamo Square Apartment 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 348.685897 47.000000 4.898979 2.191026 75.109436 127.222971 60.804733 4.177582 11603.875568 14897.434087 3.431000e+05 $ 0.3431
3 Alamo Square Apartment 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 199.173789 135.333333 36.909800 13.307692 72.541026 125.644742 156.995514 13.179280 21458.311016 25192.637399 9.879333e+05 $ 0.9879
9 Alamo Square Apartment 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 159.062500 156.250000 90.156115 9.375000 151.109375 213.700928 166.732971 5.983315 2647.978633 2840.720439 1.140625e+06 $ 1.1406
# 10M $ to invest
investment = 1e7

mc_portfolios = list()
for p in range(pmax):

    #while we have money, pick up random properties for portfolio
    local_df = mdf.copy()

    current_money = investment

    picked_properties = list()

    stop_flag = False

    while stop_flag != True:
      # pick up random property
      ch = local_df.sample(1).copy()
      # if we have money to buy it and we haven't already bought it then let's do it
      if ch.estimated_property_price.values[0] < current_money and ch.index.values[0] not in picked_properties:
        # add property index to current portfolio list of properties
        # pay the property price
        current_money -= ch.estimated_property_price.values[0]
        # slice the current dataframe to get just affordable properties
        local_df = local_df[local_df.estimated_property_price < current_money]
      # if we dont't have enough money to buy even the cheapest property or we run out of properties then it's the time to stop
      if current_money < local_df.estimated_property_price.min() or len(local_df) < 1:
        stop_flag = True

    tmp_portfolio = mdf[mdf.index.isin(picked_properties)].copy()
    tmp_portfolio['mdf_id'] = picked_properties
    tmp_portfolio['p'] = p

mc_portfolios = pd.concat(mc_portfolios).reset_index(drop=True)
neighbourhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds availability_365_mean price_mean price_std number_of_reviews_mean estimated_nights_per_year_mean estimated_nights_per_year_std optimized_price_mean optimized_price_std estimated_return_per_year estimated_optimized_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_property_price_M mdf_id p
0 Bayview House 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 235.420994 84.28125 47.190994 3.540064 161.430898 111.271046 139.239120 19.414377 20207.811891 35149.639528 615253.125 $ 0.6153 2932 0
1 Bayview House 8.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 25.307692 262.50000 53.033009 14.300000 24.042308 32.657455 549.040161 8.945264 10060.290051 21961.733177 1916250.000 $ 1.9163 213 0
portfolio_results = mc_portfolios.groupby('p').agg({
    'estimated_return_per_year': 'sum',
    'estimated_property_price': 'sum',
    'estimated_optimized_return_per_year': 'sum',
    'mdf_id': 'count',

portfolio_results['estimated_property_price_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')
portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')
portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year_M'] = (portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

portfolio_results['time_to_return'] = portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] /  portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'] 
portfolio_results['time_to_return_optimized'] = portfolio_results['estimated_property_price'] /  portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year'] 

portfolio_results['profit'] = (portfolio_results['time_to_return'] * portfolio_results['estimated_optimized_return_per_year']) - (portfolio_results['time_to_return'] * portfolio_results['estimated_return_per_year'])
portfolio_results['profit_of_investment'] = portfolio_results['profit'] / portfolio_results['estimated_property_price']
portfolio_results['profit_M'] = (portfolio_results['profit'] / 1e6).map(lambda x: f'$ {x:.4f}')

Portfolios with minimal return time

p estimated_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_optimized_return_per_year mdf_id estimated_property_price_M estimated_return_per_year_M estimated_optimized_return_per_year_M time_to_return time_to_return_optimized profit profit_of_investment profit_M
65 65 413167.932968 9.904386e+06 411843.015193 7 $ 9.9044 $ 0.4132 $ 0.4118 23.971816 24.048934 -3.176069e+04 -0.003207 $ -0.0318
20 20 199503.023973 9.993643e+06 348561.432544 10 $ 9.9936 $ 0.1995 $ 0.3486 50.092689 28.671109 7.466737e+06 0.747149 $ 7.4667
82 82 262761.351114 9.936821e+06 326939.359423 10 $ 9.9368 $ 0.2628 $ 0.3269 37.816904 30.393468 2.427014e+06 0.244244 $ 2.4270

for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  plt.annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return, x.profit_of_investment),ha='center',va='center')

plt.xlabel('Time to return')
plt.ylabel('Profit from investment %')

Portfolios by time to return and total investment

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(30,10))



for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  ax[0].annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')
  ax[1].annotate(x.p,(x.time_to_return_optimized, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')

ax[0].set_xlabel('Time to return')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[0].set_title('Original Prices')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Time to return')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[1].set_title('Optimized Prices')

Huge return time

Most probaby because there are some properties with just few days per year availability

p estimated_return_per_year estimated_property_price estimated_optimized_return_per_year mdf_id estimated_property_price_M estimated_return_per_year_M estimated_optimized_return_per_year_M time_to_return time_to_return_optimized profit profit_of_investment profit_M
79 79 21630.442249 9.866244e+06 25863.355133 6 $ 9.8662 $ 0.0216 $ 0.0259 456.127712 381.475802 1.930749e+06 0.195692 $ 1.9307
72 72 40881.997953 9.842167e+06 40613.729134 8 $ 9.8422 $ 0.0409 $ 0.0406 240.745749 242.335965 -6.458458e+04 -0.006562 $ -0.0646
21 21 36208.247995 9.991117e+06 42171.958689 7 $ 9.9911 $ 0.0362 $ 0.0422 275.934828 236.913745 1.645595e+06 0.164706 $ 1.6456

Portfolios by yearly return and total investment

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(30,10))



for x in portfolio_results.itertuples():
  ax[0].annotate(x.p,(x.estimated_return_per_year, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')
  ax[1].annotate(x.p,(x.estimated_optimized_return_per_year, x.estimated_property_price),ha='center',va='center')

ax[0].set_xlabel('Return per Year')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[0].set_title('Original Prices')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Return per Year')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Total Investment')
ax[1].set_title('Optimized Prices')

Next Iterations

  • Find External Data for properties prices
  • Create a class for simulation
    • maybe more models
  • Find a way to messure the predicted prices, if possible
  • Maybe try binomial distribution to estimate number of nights per listing
  • Fill the missing gaps:
  • more features for pricing model
  • more ways to estimate the number of nights per year
  • add risk rates
