How to apply the right statistical test to your data

A flowchart to help you choose the right statistical test for your data
Data Science
Hypothesis Testing
Statistical Testing

Daniel Fat


January 29, 2021

Aim: Acquire knowledge and experience in the area of statistical testing

Objctives: - Research and understand how and when to use core statisitcal testing methods - Ask and Answer questions that can be answered using one or more statistical tests on the dataset found


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as ss


About Statistical Testing

Parametric vs Non-Parametric tests

What is the difference between a parametric and a non-parametric test ?

Parametric tests assume underlying statistical distributions in the data, therefore, several conditions of validity must be met so that the result of a parametric test is reliable.

Non-parametric tests do not rely on any distribution, thus can be applied even if parametric conditions of validity are not met.

What is the advantage of using a non-parametric test ?

Non-parametric tests are more robust than parametric tests. In other words, they are valid in a broader range of situations (fewer conditions of validity).

What is the advantage of using a parametric test ?

The advantage of using a parametric test instead of a non-parametric equivalent is that the former will have more statistical power than the latter.

In other words, a parametric test is more able to lead to a rejection of H0. Most of the time, the p-value associated to a parametric test will be lower than the p-value associated to a nonparametric equivalent that is run on the same data.

T test

\(t\) = Student’s t-test

\(m\) = mean

\(\mu\) = theoretical value

\(s\) = standard deviation

\({n}\) = variable set size

The Student’s t-Test is a statistical hypothesis test for testing whether two samples are expected to have been drawn from the same population.

It is named for the pseudonym “Student” used by William Gosset, who developed the test.

The test works by checking the means from two samples to see if they are significantly different from each other. It does this by calculating the standard error in the difference between means, which can be interpreted to see how likely the difference is, if the two samples have the same mean (the null hypothesis).

Good To Know - Works with small number of samples - If we compare 2 groups, they must have the same distribution

t = observed difference between sample means / standard error of the difference between the means

Let’s look at this example, we make 2 series where we draw random values from the normal(Gaussian) distribution

data = pd.DataFrame({
    'data1': np.random.normal(size=10),
    'data2': np.random.normal(size=10)
data1 data2
0 -0.164235 0.489534
1 0.077709 -0.226522
2 -1.161500 0.277101

We can see that some of the values from both series overlap, so we can look for to see if there is a relationship by luck

Note: since this part is random next the you run the nb you might get different values


One Sample T test

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
data1 10.0 -0.564590 1.260859 -2.200233 -1.752491 -0.32348 0.065744 1.766438
data2 10.0 -0.035974 0.980542 -1.355678 -0.494399 -0.11048 0.210083 2.282740

This is a two-sided test for the null hypothesis that the expected value (mean) of a sample of independent observations a is equal to the given population mean.

H0 = 'the population mean is equal to a mean of {}'
a = 0.05

hypothesized_population_mean = 1.5

stat, p = ss.ttest_1samp(data['data1'],hypothesized_population_mean)
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.4f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0.format(hypothesized_population_mean)}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0.format(hypothesized_population_mean)}')
Statistic: -5.1780647040905325
P-Value: 0.0006
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: the population mean is equal to a mean of 1.5

Unpaired T test

An unpaired t-test (also known as an independent t-test) is a statistical procedure that compares the averages/means of two independent or unrelated groups to determine if there is a significant difference between the two

H0 = 'the means of both populations are equal'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.ttest_ind(data['data1'],data['data2'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: -1.0465644559040281
P-Value: 0.309
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0: the means of both populations are equal

Paired T test

The paired sample t-test, sometimes called the dependent sample t-test, is a statistical procedure used to determine whether the mean difference between two sets of observations is zero. In a paired sample t-test, each subject or entity is measured twice, resulting in pairs of observations.

H0 = 'means difference between two sample is 0'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.ttest_rel(data['data1'],data['data2'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: -1.0430434002617406
P-Value: 0.324
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0: means difference between two sample is 0

ANOVA test

ANOVA determines whether the groups created by the levels of the independent variable are statistically different by calculating whether the means of the treatment levels are different from the overall mean of the dependent variable.

The null hypothesis (H0) of ANOVA is that there is no difference among group means.

The alternate hypothesis (Ha) is that at least one group differs significantly from the overall mean of the dependent variable.

The assumptions of the ANOVA test are the same as the general assumptions for any parametric test:

  • Independence of observations: the data were collected using statistically-valid methods, and there are no hidden relationships among observations. If your data fail to meet this assumption because you have a confounding variable that you need to control for statistically, use an ANOVA with blocking variables.
  • Normally-distributed response variable: The values of the dependent variable follow a normal distribution.
  • Homogeneity of variance: The variation within each group being compared is similar for every group. If the variances are different among the groups, then ANOVA probably isn’t the right fit for the data.
data1   -0.564590
data2   -0.035974
dtype: float64
H0 = 'two or more groups have the same population mean'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.f_oneway(data['data1'],data['data2'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: 1.0952971603616946
P-Value: 0.309
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0:  two or more groups have the same population mean

Linear Regression

It is used when we want to predict the value of a variable based on the value of another variable. The variable we want to predict is called the dependent variable (or sometimes, the outcome variable). The variable we are using to predict the other variable’s value is called the independent variable (or sometimes, the predictor variable).

The p-value for each term tests the null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to zero (no effect). A low p-value (< 0.05) indicates that you can reject the null hypothesis. In other words, a predictor that has a low p-value is likely to be a meaningful addition to your model because changes in the predictor’s value are related to changes in the response variable.

Conversely, a larger (insignificant) p-value suggests that changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response.

Regression coefficients represent the mean change in the response variable for one unit of change in the predictor variable while holding other predictors in the model constant. This statistical control that regression provides is important because it isolates the role of one variable from all of the others in the model.

The key to understanding the coefficients is to think of them as slopes, and they’re often called slope coefficients.

reg_data = pd.DataFrame({
    'data1': np.random.gamma(25,size=20)

reg_data['data2'] = reg_data['data1'].apply(lambda x: x + np.random.randint(1,25))
data1 data2
0 21.403142 25.403142
1 31.252916 35.252916
2 22.933164 42.933164
3 20.455040 30.455040
4 25.948037 28.948037

slope, intercept, r, p, se = ss.linregress(reg_data['data1'], reg_data['data2'])

print(f'Slope: {slope}\nIntercept: {intercept}\nP-Value: {p}\nr: {r}\nse: {se}')

H0 = 'changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response'
a = 0.05
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Slope: 1.3536514855760986
Intercept: 2.1239248669953383
P-Value: 0.0007791282263931652
r: 0.6890350363826457
se: 0.33558640994910627
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response

Pearson correlation

The Pearson correlation coefficient measures the linear relationship between two datasets. Strictly speaking, Pearson’s correlation requires that each dataset be normally distributed. Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation.

Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact linear relationship.

Positive correlations imply that as x increases, so does y.

Negative correlations imply that as x increases, y decreases.

The p-value roughly indicates the probability of an uncorrelated system producing datasets that have a Pearson correlation at least as extreme as the one computed from these datasets. The p-values are not entirely reliable but are probably reasonable for datasets larger than 500 or so.

H0 = 'the two variables are uncorrelated'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.pearsonr(data['data1'],data['data2'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: -0.0069778154571835905
P-Value: 0.985
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0: the two variables are uncorrelated

Chi-Square Test

There are two types of chi-square tests. Both use the chi-square statistic and distribution for different purposes:

  • A chi-square goodness of fit test determines if sample data matches a population

  • A chi-square test for independence compares two variables in a contingency table to see if they are related. In a more general sense, it tests to see whether distributions of categorical variables differ from each another.

    • A very small chi square test statistic means that your observed data fits your expected data extremely well. In other words, there is a relationship.
    • A very large chi square test statistic means that the data does not fit very well. In other words, there isn’t a relationship.
animals = ['dog','cat','horse','dragon','unicorn']

chi_data = pd.DataFrame({x:[np.random.randint(5,25) for _ in range(3)] for x in animals},index=['village1','village2','village3'])
dog cat horse dragon unicorn
village1 24 22 21 14 8
village2 17 14 10 22 5
village3 14 10 15 10 13

If our calculated value of chi-square is less or equal to the tabular(also called critical) value of chi-square, then H0 holds true.

H0 = 'no relation between the variables'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.chisquare(chi_data['dog'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: 2.8727272727272726
P-Value: 0.238
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0: no relation between the variables
H0 = 'no relation between the variables'
a = 0.05

stat, p, dof, expected = ss.chi2_contingency(chi_data.values)
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}\nDOF: {dof}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: 15.604347636638956
P-Value: 0.048
DOF: 8
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: no relation between the variables

Fischer’s test

Use the Fisher’s exact test of independence when you have two nominal variables and you want to see whether the proportions of one variable are different depending on the value of the other variable. Use it when the sample size is small.

The null hypothesis is that the relative proportions of one variable are independent of the second variable; in other words, the proportions at one variable are the same for different values of the second variable

fisher_data = chi_data[1:].T[3:]
village2 village3
dragon 22 10
unicorn 5 13
H0 = 'the two groups are independet'
a = 0.05

oddsratio, expected = ss.fisher_exact(fisher_data)
print(f'Odds Ratio: {oddsratio}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Odds Ratio: 5.72
P-Value: 0.048
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: the two groups are independet

Spearman’s rank correlation

The Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient is a nonparametric measure of the monotonicity of the relationship between two datasets. Unlike the Pearson correlation, the Spearman correlation does not assume that both datasets are normally distributed.

Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation.

Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact monotonic relationship.

Positive correlations imply that as x increases, so does y.

Negative correlations imply that as x increases, y decreases.

The p-value roughly indicates the probability of an uncorrelated system producing datasets that have a Spearman correlation at least as extreme as the one computed from these datasets.

H0 = 'the two variables are uncorrelated'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.spearmanr(data['data1'],data['data2'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: -0.05454545454545454
P-Value: 0.881
Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic
Accept H0: the two variables are uncorrelated


Applying Statistical Tests

About Data

Dataset & Data Dictionary

Statistical Themes:

Note: in total there are 75 fields the following are just themes the fields fall under

  • Home Owner Costs: Sum of utilities, property taxes.
  • Second Mortgage: Households with a second mortgage statistics.
  • Home Equity Loan: Households with a Home equity Loan statistics.
  • Debt: Households with any type of debt statistics.
  • Mortgage Costs: Statistics regarding mortgage payments, home equity loans, utilities and property taxes
  • Home Owner Costs: Sum of utilities, property taxes statistics
  • Gross Rent: Contract rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utility features
  • Gross Rent as Percentof Income Gross rent: as the percent of income very interesting
  • High school Graduation: High school graduation statistics.
  • Population Demographics: Population demographic statistics.
  • Age Demographics: Age demographic statistics.
  • Household Income: Total income of people residing in the household.
  • Family Income: Total income of people related to the householder.
df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Datasets/real_estate_db.csv',encoding='latin8')
UID BLOCKID SUMLEVEL COUNTYID STATEID state state_ab city place type primary zip_code area_code lat lng ALand AWater pop male_pop female_pop rent_mean rent_median rent_stdev rent_sample_weight rent_samples rent_gt_10 rent_gt_15 rent_gt_20 rent_gt_25 rent_gt_30 rent_gt_35 rent_gt_40 rent_gt_50 universe_samples used_samples hi_mean hi_median hi_stdev hi_sample_weight hi_samples family_mean family_median family_stdev family_sample_weight family_samples hc_mortgage_mean hc_mortgage_median hc_mortgage_stdev hc_mortgage_sample_weight hc_mortgage_samples hc_mean hc_median hc_stdev hc_samples hc_sample_weight home_equity_second_mortgage second_mortgage home_equity debt second_mortgage_cdf home_equity_cdf debt_cdf hs_degree hs_degree_male hs_degree_female male_age_mean male_age_median male_age_stdev male_age_sample_weight male_age_samples female_age_mean female_age_median female_age_stdev female_age_sample_weight female_age_samples pct_own married married_snp separated divorced
0 220336 NaN 140 16 2 Alaska AK Unalaska Unalaska City City tract 99685 907 53.621091 -166.770979 2823180154 3101986247 4619 2725 1894 1366.24657 1405.0 650.16380 131.50967 372.0 0.85676 0.65676 0.47838 0.35405 0.28108 0.21081 0.15135 0.12432 661 370 107394.63092 92807.0 70691.05352 329.85389 874.0 114330.20465 101229.0 63955.77136 161.15239 519.0 2266.22562 2283.0 768.53497 41.65644 155.0 840.67205 776.0 341.85580 58.0 29.74375 0.00469 0.01408 0.02817 0.72770 0.50216 0.77143 0.30304 0.82841 0.82784 0.82940 38.45838 39.25000 17.65453 709.06255 2725.0 32.78177 31.91667 19.31875 440.46429 1894.0 0.25053 0.47388 0.30134 0.03443 0.09802
1 220342 NaN 140 20 2 Alaska AK Eagle River Anchorage City tract 99577 907 61.174250 -149.284329 509234898 1859309 3727 1780 1947 2347.69441 2351.0 382.73576 4.32064 44.0 0.79545 0.56818 0.56818 0.45455 0.20455 0.20455 0.20455 0.00000 50 44 136547.39117 119141.0 84268.79529 288.40934 1103.0 148641.70829 143026.0 69628.72286 159.20875 836.0 2485.10777 2306.0 919.76234 180.92883 797.0 712.33066 742.0 336.98847 256.0 159.32270 0.03609 0.06078 0.07407 0.75689 0.15520 0.56228 0.23925 0.94090 0.97253 0.91503 37.26216 39.33333 19.66765 503.83410 1780.0 38.97956 39.66667 20.05513 466.65478 1947.0 0.94989 0.52381 0.01777 0.00782 0.13575
2 220343 NaN 140 20 2 Alaska AK Jber Anchorage City tract 99505 907 61.284745 -149.653973 270593047 66534601 8736 5166 3570 2071.30766 2089.0 442.89099 195.07816 1749.0 0.99469 0.97403 0.92680 0.89020 0.73022 0.62574 0.54368 0.32999 1933 1694 69361.23167 57976.0 45054.38537 1104.22753 1955.0 67678.50158 58248.0 38155.76319 1023.98149 1858.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 525.89101 810.0 392.27170 22.0 10.83444 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.99097 0.99661 0.98408 21.96291 22.25000 11.09657 1734.05720 5166.0 22.20427 23.16667 13.86575 887.67805 3570.0 0.00759 0.50459 0.06676 0.01000 0.01838
cols = ['state','state_ab','city','area_code','lat','lng','ALand','AWater','pop','male_pop','female_pop','debt','married','divorced','separated']
cdf = df[cols].copy()


Fancy scatter plot by Latitutde and Longitude

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, -0.1),fancybox=False, shadow=False, ncol=5);

Summary of population and area by state

summary = cdf.groupby('state_ab').agg({'pop':'sum','male_pop':'sum','female_pop':'sum','ALand':'sum','AWater':'sum','state':'first'})
pop male_pop female_pop ALand AWater state
AK 469126 246520 222606 722368907357 137757072654 Alaska
AL 2516214 1226877 1289337 70352962626 1732053991 Alabama
AR 1540462 758011 782451 69537343629 1484286648 Arkansas
AZ 3491125 1737284 1753841 180325081831 662716229 Arizona
CA 20197555 10081248 10116307 235174645131 4507004866 California
CO 2799395 1411330 1388065 155452913241 711290617 Colorado
CT 1914899 924516 990383 6865055353 312560243 Connecticut
DC 357842 172707 185135 89106477 13002616 District of Columbia
DE 488669 236762 251907 2877996732 114847579 Delaware
FL 10609057 5193417 5415640 69619448692 8393132389 Florida
GA 5412817 2641952 2770865 85141396708 2126459048 Georgia
HI 782728 397432 385296 6393739701 558912797 Hawaii
IA 1501895 743877 758018 70142911735 581858320 Iowa
ID 868080 433259 434821 92735376589 809101938 Idaho
IL 6588759 3239561 3349198 71027589926 956940364 Illinois
IN 3389012 1672018 1716994 48379840329 499474076 Indiana
KS 1602050 797338 804712 117291643373 734489089 Kansas
KY 2243143 1103713 1139430 50493602211 1170176450 Kentucky
LA 2454659 1197975 1256684 56404296747 6722140365 Louisiana
MA 3555026 1724503 1830523 10404663063 1035756604 Massachusetts
MD 3292145 1602210 1689935 14815063927 1511194979 Maryland
ME 710622 347816 362806 52878488979 5008597586 Maine
MI 5224877 2557263 2667614 75206589121 4940194318 Michigan
MN 2879177 1426107 1453070 84805439583 4311294489 Minnesota
MO 3092144 1518324 1573820 88816439192 1426397941 Missouri
MS 1558044 755465 802579 65062078135 1329197525 Mississippi
MT 564861 282401 282460 248905480934 2666670939 Montana
NC 5184944 2526445 2658499 65055897110 3226470120 North Carolina
ND 368821 188536 180285 95466673548 2182730770 North Dakota
NE 970077 482309 487768 89479501945 535697730 Nebraska
NH 694959 344063 350896 12491054114 514406119 New Hampshire
NJ 4482520 2182652 2299868 10493982942 799251245 New Jersey
NM 1203128 595608 607520 172251088200 546012923 New Mexico
NV 1459071 739535 719536 136008316579 1002763632 Nevada
NY 10394107 5032257 5361850 62316115428 2604980644 New York
OH 6139531 3010888 3128643 58182736607 788921631 Ohio
OK 2022316 1003736 1018580 98611541123 1915772469 Oklahoma
OR 2162139 1070676 1091463 159980775965 1918272471 Oregon
PA 6786776 3315641 3471135 58402582122 789727993 Pennsylvania
PR 1839485 883267 956218 4726099514 343252481 Puerto Rico
RI 527716 256423 271293 1421606369 173869644 Rhode Island
SC 2461759 1194553 1267206 41059983803 1362937733 South Carolina
SD 471349 236300 235049 109275231275 2004057966 South Dakota
TN 3367715 1643458 1724257 54101294407 1202156340 Tennessee
TX 13935294 6916078 7019216 358358562994 9644620956 Texas
UT 1598815 804287 794528 87867228560 2427239469 Utah
VA 4293918 2102950 2190968 53817438188 2389908012 Virginia
VT 313577 154456 159121 13268212222 507787768 Vermont
WA 3870279 1930122 1940157 95953804619 4024544353 Washington
WI 3009899 1494100 1515799 73736007342 4562686687 Wisconsin
WV 1045789 517338 528451 32769779880 272517541 West Virginia
WY 345577 175935 169642 124417325108 735843754 Wyoming

Male and Female distribution by state

summary[['male_pop','female_pop']] \
.div(summary['pop'],axis=0) \,rot=0,figsize=(25,5)) \
.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.58, -0.1),fancybox=False, shadow=False, ncol=2);

States distribution by Land and Water


for x in summary.reset_index().itertuples():

sns.scatterplot(data=summary[summary.state != 'Alaska'],x='ALand',y='AWater');

for x in summary[summary.state != 'Alaska'].itertuples():

Let’s find some hypotheses

First let’s look if we have some correlations between our variables

corr_data = cdf.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']).drop(['area_code','lat','lng'],axis=1).copy().dropna()
corr_matrix = pd.DataFrame([[ss.spearmanr(corr_data[c_x],corr_data[c_y])[1] for c_x in corr_data.columns] for c_y in corr_data.columns],columns=corr_data.columns,index=corr_data.columns)
corr_matrix[corr_matrix == 0] = np.nan
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(25,5))

ax[0].set_title('Correlation Statistic')



H: Is there a corelation between the Land area and number of people - Expect to see the more land, the more people


slope, intercept, r, p, se = ss.linregress(cdf['ALand'],cdf['pop'])

print(f'Slope: {slope:.5f}\nIntercept: {intercept:.5f}\nP-Value: {p:.5f}\nr: {r:.5f}\nse: {se:.5f}')

H0 = 'changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response'
a = 0.05
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Slope: -0.00000
Intercept: 4338.79206
P-Value: 0.00000
r: -0.03189
se: 0.00000
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response

H: Is there a correlation between the percentage of debt and city population - Expect to see more debt where more people

H0 = 'the two variables are uncorrelated'
a = 0.05
tmp = cdf.dropna(subset=['pop','debt'])
stat, p = ss.pearsonr(tmp['pop'],tmp['debt'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: 0.2346457692137584
P-Value: 0.000
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: the two variables are uncorrelated

H: There is a relationship between the male population and female population


slope, intercept, r, p, se = ss.linregress(cdf['male_pop'],cdf['female_pop'])

print(f'Slope: {slope:.5f}\nIntercept: {intercept:.5f}\nP-Value: {p:.5f}\nr: {r:.5f}\nse: {se:.5f}')

H0 = 'changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response'
a = 0.05
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Slope: 0.90511
Intercept: 268.73639
P-Value: 0.00000
r: 0.91270
se: 0.00205
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: changes in the predictor are not associated with changes in the response

H0 = 'two or more groups have the same population mean'
a = 0.05

stat, p = ss.f_oneway(cdf['male_pop'],cdf['female_pop'])
print(f'Statistic: {stat}\nP-Value: {p:.3f}')
if p <= a:
    print('Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic')
    print(f'Reject H0: {H0}')
    print('Statistically not significant / We cannot trust the statistic')
    print(f'Accept H0: {H0}')
Statistic: 70.82427410415444
P-Value: 0.000
Statistically significant / We can trust the statistic
Reject H0: two or more groups have the same population mean


  • Statistical tests are great for hypothesis testing
  • Is very important to know what type of test to use and when to use it, but you can do that just by looking at your variables

Follow up topics and questions: - Have a look on Harvey-Collier multiplier test for linearity - How do we meassure right the statistic from each test - When having a P-Value == 0 mens the test failed and when not