Agile Methodologies in Data Science: Navigating the Misfit with CRISP-DM and Research-Oriented Approaches

Agile methodologies have transformed project management in many domains, but their application in data science requires careful consideration and adaptation. By understanding the unique challenges and needs of data science projects, we can better tailor these methodologies for more effective and ethical use.

Data Science
Project Management

Daniel Fat


November 17, 2023


Have you ever tried fitting a square peg into a round hole? That’s somewhat akin to applying traditional Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban directly to data science projects. These methodologies, designed for software development, often clash with the inherently iterative and research-driven nature of data science. In this post, we’ll explore this mismatch and delve into why these methodologies don’t seamlessly translate into the data science realm, particularly in light of frameworks like CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining).

Overview of Agile Methodologies in Data Science

Agile, Scrum, and Kanban: these buzzwords are ubiquitous in tech and project management. Agile is a philosophy that emphasizes flexibility, iterative development, and a customer-centric approach. Scrum and Kanban are two frameworks that operationalize Agile principles. But how do they fit into the data science landscape?

Agile and Its Offsprings: Scrum and Kanban

  • Agile: A set of principles for software development underpinning an iterative approach with a focus on collaboration and adaptability.
  • Scrum: A framework within Agile, it structures development in fixed-length iterations called sprints, usually 2-4 weeks long, with a predefined set of tasks.
  • Kanban: Another Agile framework, focusing on visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and maximizing flow.

Data Science: An Iterative and Research-Like Process

Data science, unlike traditional software development, often follows a less predictable, research-based approach. Projects in this field typically involve:

  • Exploring data with unknowns and unpredictability.
  • Iterating over analyses as new insights emerge.
  • A CRISP-DM approach: a cyclical process involving understanding business problems, data mining, and model development.

The Misfit: Agile and Data Science

The clash arises from the fundamental differences in the nature of projects.

Predictability vs. Exploration

Agile methodologies thrive in environments with a degree of predictability and well-defined tasks. In contrast, data science projects are exploratory, filled with unforeseen challenges and often requiring significant iteration.

Time-Boxed Sprints vs. Open-Ended Research

Scrum’s time-boxed sprints presuppose a level of task clarity and duration predictability. Data science tasks, akin to research, are less predictable and can vary significantly in duration.

Incremental Deliverables vs. Evolving Insights

Agile emphasizes incremental deliverables, which can be challenging in data science where insights and results evolve and are often not immediately tangible.

Challenges in Merging Agile with Data Science

  1. Defining Clear Objectives: It’s hard to define sprint goals when you’re exploring unknown data terrains.
  2. Time Constraints: Fixed-length sprints can be restrictive for exploratory data analysis and model tuning.
  3. Changing Requirements: Agile’s adaptability can conflict with the evolving nature of data science insights.

Ethical Considerations and Debates

Integrating Agile into data science also raises ethical considerations. The pressure to deliver results in fixed intervals can lead to rushed analyses, potentially compromising data integrity and quality. This tension sparks debates around how to balance agility with the meticulousness required in data science.

Practical Applications and Alternatives

While traditional Agile methodologies might not be a perfect fit, modified or hybrid approaches can be more suitable. For instance:

  • Implementing a more flexible variant of Scrum with longer sprints.
  • Using Kanban to manage data science tasks, emphasizing continuous flow over fixed intervals.
  • Adopting a phased approach, combining CRISP-DM with Agile principles, particularly in later stages of a project.

Future Directions

The field is evolving towards more nuanced frameworks that better accommodate the unique nature of data science. These include:

  • DataOps: Integrating Agile with DevOps principles specifically tailored for data analytics.
  • MLOps: Incorporating machine learning into the mix, focusing on automating and streamlining ML workflows.


While Agile methodologies have transformed project management in many domains, their application in data science requires careful consideration and adaptation. By understanding the unique challenges and needs of data science projects, we can better tailor these methodologies for more effective and ethical use.

So, what’s your experience? Have you tried applying Agile methodologies in your data science projects? Share your stories and let’s discuss how we can navigate these challenges together!

References and Further Reading

For more insights and detailed explorations: