Citizen Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023-2024

Citizen Data Science is an innovative concept in the world of data analytics and business decision-making. It represents a shift towards democratizing data science and empowering a wider range of individuals within an organization to engage in data-driven decision-making.

Data Science
Citizen Data Science
Data Analytics
Data Literacy
Data Strategy

Daniel Fat


November 21, 2023

What is Citizen Data Science?

Citizen Data Science is an innovative concept in the world of data analytics and business decision-making. It represents a shift towards democratizing data science and empowering a wider range of individuals within an organization to engage in data-driven decision-making.

Gartner defines a Citizen Data Scientist as “a person who creates or generates models that leverage predictive or prescriptive analytics but whose primary job function is outside of the field of statistics and analytics” Source​. These individuals, despite not being formally trained in data science, are equipped with the tools and skills necessary to perform sophisticated analyses. They blend their domain expertise with accessible analytics tools to drive data-driven decisions and add value through their unique business insights Source​.

Why is Citizen Data Science Important?

The importance of Citizen Data Scientists has risen significantly in recent years, primarily due to a few key factors:

  • Data Science Talent Shortage: There is a substantial gap between the demand for data science skills and the supply of trained professionals. Citizen Data Scientists help bridge this gap by providing valuable insights without requiring the same level of technical training as traditional data scientists SourceSource​.
  • Cost Efficiency: Hiring formally trained data scientists can be expensive. By enabling existing employees to take on these responsibilities, organizations can save costs while still benefiting from data-driven insights Source​.
  • Technology Evolution: Advances in analytics tools have made it easier for non-technical users to perform complex data analysis, thereby enabling more employees to become citizen data scientists Source​.

How Companies Can Adopt Citizen Data Science

  1. Empowerment with Tools: Companies should provide business users with intuitive, user-friendly analytics tools. This includes solutions like business intelligence platforms and AutoML, which are designed for ease of use by non-experts Source​.
  2. Facilitate Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between citizen data scientists and expert data professionals can lead to deeper insights and greater value. Integrating domain knowledge with technical expertise is crucial for success Source​.
  3. Training Programs: Offering training in areas like data literacy, analytical thinking, and the effective use of self-service tools is essential. This builds the necessary skills and confidence in business users to undertake data science tasks Source​.
  4. Data Governance: Implementing smart data governance is vital. Not all data should be accessible to everyone. Classifying data sets based on accessibility ensures that sensitive information is protected while still providing citizen data scientists with the resources they need Source​.

Is Citizen Data Science for Every Company?

Citizen Data Science is broadly applicable, but its implementation and impact can vary depending on the organization’s size, industry, and existing data culture. It is particularly beneficial for organizations that:

  • Have a significant gap in data science skills.
  • Need to make more data-driven decisions but lack the resources to hire a large team of data scientists.
  • Possess a culture of innovation and are open to upskilling their existing workforce.

Data Literacy Requirements

The level of data literacy required varies based on the complexity of the tasks. Basic data literacy is essential for all employees to understand and interpret data. However, those taking on the role of a citizen data scientist may need more advanced training, focusing on specific tools and methods relevant to their tasks.

Positioning in the Roadmap

Citizen Data Science should be seen as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, professional data scientists. It fits into the broader roadmap of an organization’s data strategy by:

  • Enhancing the data-driven culture.
  • Democratizing data access and analysis capabilities.
  • Allowing expert data scientists to focus on more complex, strategic initiatives while citizen data scientists handle more routine analyses Source​.


The rise of Citizen Data Science is a testament to the evolving nature of data analytics and its increasing importance in business decision-making. By embracing this concept, organizations can leverage their existing talent, save costs, and foster a more data-literate workforce, all while driving innovation and efficiency in their operations.